Who among us instantly thinks ‘stalactites!’ when considering Majorca? The ancient formations are probably coming in next to last on your Balearic classics, but on this island, they are a big deal.
Multiple caves in Majorca play host to tourist attractions – but you can find gorgeous stalagmites elsewhere, if you know where to look.
Helped by some colourful lighting, the cave floors and ceilings have been idling on Majorca for millions of years.
In the early 1900s explorers discovered their beauty, and since then there’s been a race to get visitors through the doors.
Expect boat trips on underground lakes and rivers, classical concerts with stellar acoustics and even some living fossils. If you are looking for the ultimate guide to the best caves in Majorca, you’re in the right place!.
Caves in Majorca
Caves of Drach
You’ll barely get to finish typing ‘caves in Majorca’ into your phone before this beauty pops up.
Majorca’s main tourist attraction draws in big numbers. Normally, we might suggest giving a crowd-packed place a swerve… but you’ll be missing out on a lot.
Incredible stalagmite formations, a suitably stunning 25 metre underground lake, some very flattering lighting and underground classical music concerts that come fully loaded with unique acoustics.
So yes, everyone in Majorca looking to poke at a stalactite or two will be pitching up.
But the easy access, plenty of facilities and limited places on each tour means you’ll still be able to gaze in wonder at nature’s architecture, relatively uncrowded.
Orbzii tip: In summer, head to the Caves of Drach (or Cuevas del Drach) for the 5pm entry on a Sunday. This time slot usually sees lower numbers stepping past the stalactites.

Cuevas dels Hams
If the crowds at Cuevas del Drach are putting you off, swing by the nearby Cuevas dels Hams. You’ll still see some impressive limestone caves – with a twist.
The stalactites here hook and spiral – rather than forming the classic stalactite shape and are some of the best caves in Majorca.
Forming for 10 million years, the caves sit along an underground river called the Sea of Venice.
The botanical gardens are a nice spot if going underground has you yearning for some open sky.
If you can time your visit right, it’s fair to say these caves are an eye-popping location for the events and concerts held here. Cuevas dels Hams even host weddings …
Coves de Campanet
Majorca’s big names in the stalactite world ticked off your list? Turn your gaze to the Tramuntana mountains.
Deep in rural Majorca lies the Coves de Campanet.
These caves still come with the obligatory guide – but you’re able to get much closer to those all-important ancient rock formations.
Fewer crowds does mean fewer facilities – but these caves are all the better for it.
For €15 you’ll get a 40-minute tour through the caves – with history and a little nature lesson thrown in.
The endemic fauna includes a species that’s new to even the scientists studying the caves in Majorca.
Yes, it’s a little difficult to whip up too much excitement about bugs – but these caves house a pseudoscorpion that’s essentially a living fossil. Which isn’t something you’ll see every day.

Orbzii tip: You can’t take food and drink into the caves – to preserve the environment for the unique beetles and bugs that scamper among the rocks.
Snack before you sightsee or head into one of the best restaurants in Majorca – or pop into the onsite cafe which, presumably, is beetle-free.

Cuevas d’Arta
Another cave and another music and light show to enjoy.
It seems someone working in the caves in Majorca biz’ instigated the idea and it really caught on.
No matter, because all cynicism aside – they really do show off the caves at their best.
Cuevas d’Arta sets itself apart from other Majorca caves with one discerning feature: the Queen of the Columns.
At over 20 metres long, this stalagmite is one of Europe’s largest.
The tour is a leisurely affair – with smaller numbers than the bigger cave attractions.
The slow pace isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The impressive stairs into the cave entrance? That’s just the warm up.
Expect to conquer over 400 steps and cover 1.5km on the 40 minute hike through the cave network.
The bilingual guides that easily flit between up to four languages during the tour are almost as fascinating as the caves themselves.
Orbzii tip: Take advantage of the coastal location with a pause to take in the views once you’re outside the cave. Wild goats are occasional visitors to the cliffs.
Hidden spots
Beautiful caves in Majorca are easily found.
Which doesn’t necessarily fuel everyone’s nomadic desire for adventure. For something a little less pitch up and pay, we’ve tracked down some caves that really require some legwork to visit.
For one, you’ll still need a guide, the other, you’re free to explore alone. Either way, you’ll not be sedately shuffling past well-lit limestone on these tours.
Cova de Coloms
Tucked away on the Cala Romantica coast, you’ll find a sea cave which is one of the most remote caves in Majorca.
Given the whole cave, sea and secluded vibe, we’d recommend getting there with the helping hands of the experts at Experience Mallorca.
For €60, they’ll guide you along a scenic coastal path walk until you get to just the right spot for a swim.
You’ll need more than your 50m swim badge for this one – it’s a 300m sea swim into Cova de Coloms.
Once there, you’ll be guided through the network of caves to see the stalagmites most visitors rarely see.
There’s no scuba or snorkelling involved, but you’ll need to be fairly confident in the water.
Orbzii tip: You’ll not need any safety gear – or even a wetsuit for this one. The tour provides everything.
You will need some fairly sturdy trainers or walking boots for the hike – but you can even hire those if you drop them a line.

Portals Vells
This cave romp comes with added beach vibes. Save the sunbathing for a post-exploring reward after you go in search of the least commercialised caves in Majorca.
A five-minute walk from the sands, you’ll find three caves to explore.
The highlight is the man-made church, reportedly carved into the rock by fishermen. Not quite the Sistine Chapel, but the small altar is a work of art none the less.
Orbzii tip: Save some energy for another hike.
This time you’ll be heading north. 2.7kms away you’ll find Pinos Restaurant. A journey around the world in food form. The sea views aren’t bad either.
Ready to explore? With the Orbzii app on your phone, you can dream, plan and book your way to any of the stunning caves in Majorca. Don’t forget to pack your head torch.